Last week actress Milla Jovovich was spotted at the opening of the Mandarin Oriental Bodrum in Turkey. For this event she picked a gown by Turkish designer Arzu Kaprol. It was a white and grey printed piece from his Spring collection 2012. The long, shoulderfree gown was combined with a golden clutch. I love the drapes of the dress, especially in combination with the silver contrasting ribbons which created a wonderful bodyshape. I like the dress, even though I would have preferred to see her in a shorter one. The absence of jewellery and the red lipstick highlighted her amazing smile.
Letzte Woche wurde die Schauspielerin Milla Jovovich auf der Opening Party des Mandarin Oriental Bodrumin in der Türkei gesichtet. Für dises Event suchte sie sich ein Kleid des türkischen Designers Arzu Kaprol aus. Bei dem weiß/grau bedruckten Kleid handelte es sich um ein Stück aus seiner Frühlingskollektion 2012. Das lange, schulterfreie Kleid kombinierte Milla lediglich mit einer goldenen Clutch. Besonders gefielen mir die Drapierungen in Kombination mit den silbernen Spangen, welche eine traumhafte Figur zauberten. Ich mag das Outfit, auch wenn ich ein kurzes Kleid an ihr bevorzugt hätte. Das Fehlen jeglichen Schmucks und der rote Lippenstift heben ihr traumhaft schönes Lächeln hervor.
Amazing dress and amazing Milla!! Thanks for stepping by my blog, I'll see you around :)
She is such a gorgeous woman :D
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Milla Jovovich is so gorgeous wearing that dress.
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting my blog earlier and for your comment! I'm your newest follower and loving this blog! Mila is one of my favorites on the red carpet! SHe always looks stunning! She is so glamourous and vintage to me. Have a nice weekend! xx Pip
omg i love mila jovovich. she's just badass. this gown accentuated her curves and her makeup+hair complimented em all. she looks amazing.
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Great post!!
ReplyDeletexx from
Isn't is sweet how her dress sorta resembles the shell design in the background. So chic.
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Love the print of her dress! Fabulous!
ReplyDeletestunning Mila!!!
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Looks so cool!